New insights into the life and teachings of Jesus
Generations follow Jesus’ invitation: “love one another”
More people find their path to God and live as His children
A world increasingly devoted to loving service
Imagine with us a world where:
- purpose, hope and love replace anxiety, depression and despair
- we share Jesus with our youth in ways they can embrace
- we all discover and enjoy a personal relationship with God
Creating experiences that produce spiritual transformations
The entire story of Jesus
An immersive experience
Untold stories in film
Sharing God with today’s youth is a challenge
Your contribution goes to…
Data curation
Support our scholars as they research and index the greatest sources available about the life and times of Jesus.
Software development
Build an interactive virtual world to experience who Jesus is, how He lived, and what He did, all in one immersive place.
Cinematic presentations
Produce a series of original, engaging short films, inspired by actual events from Jesus' life.
How it Works?
Donate to fund the development
Data curation, software development, and cinematic presentations are all in progress.
Volunteer to be part of the team
Followers of Jesus with a passion for research, screenwriters, and community builders are some of the open positions.
Follow the story and share it
Actively “lift up Jesus” by sharing with billions of people around the world.
Frequently asked questions about the Jesus Metaverse
Why build the Jesus Metaverse?
We believe every human deserves to know and experience the full story of Jesus.
We believe His words and deeds will inspire many that are in spiritual darkness. They have for the last 2,000 years and will continue to until the end of times.
What an awakening the world would experience if it could only see Jesus as he really lived on earth and know, firsthand, his life-giving teachings!
Have you dreamed of sharing the real Jesus with the world?
The great hope for the future of our world lies in a new revelation of Jesus, through a new and enlarged presentation of his loving message. We wish to augment and quicken this revelation by using state of the art technology, to spiritually unite in loving service all faiths, races, and nations in the brotherhood of mankind.
What is the Jesus Metaverse?
The Jesus Metaverse is a software app.
Defining and describing a metaverse is difficult because the world's idea and concept of a metaverse is still developing and evolving. A metaverse can be anything from an immersive virtual reality video game experience to a network of 3D worlds focused on social connection.
We envision the Jesus Metaverse to serve two major purposes; present a collection of experiences focused on the life and teachings of Jesus and allow the user to interact with others.
These experiences are based on the most comprehensive data model ever created to document the entire life and teachings of Jesus, including the lost years.
With our online app, a user can discover, explore, and experience the richness of Jesus’ entire life and teachings and also share these experiences with others interactively.
How are we building the Jesus Metaverse?
The process of building the software app consists of the following steps:
- Creating a computer model of the entire life and teachings of Jesus. This process is called data curation.
- Curating rich media (“presentations”) that pertain to all aspects of the life and teachings of Jesus from online and print sources. This process is called presentation curation.
- User experience research, design, prototyping and testing.
- Software design, implementation and testing.
What are the criteria for the Metaverse content?
The content of the Jesus Metaverse is curated from a wide range of information sources and the vast store of knowledge available digitally and in print.
Our team of data curators gather this information, determine its quality and factual accuracy, and evaluate its benefit to the enlightenment of the Jesus Metaverse users. The determining factors are:
- Does it bring man closer to God?
- Does it bring God closer to man?
- Does it contain the highest levels of truth, beauty, and goodness?
How do we build a computer model to represent the life and teachings of Jesus?
The computer technology we are using is called a graph database. Its data elements consist of “nodes” and “relationships”.
Every major aspect of the Master’s life is a “node” in this model. Every place Jesus visited. Every person we know He’s met. Every major event. Every important relationship.
We connect these “nodes” with hyperlinks that represent their relationship. We represent this data in a specialized computer graph database management system (neo4j).
Our goal is to create humanity’s most complete and accurate repository of knowledge about Jesus. With contributions of current and future generations, this information will keep expanding to represent humanity’s most comprehensive understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus.
What are some of the sources of the Jesus Metaverse content?
The Jesus Metaverse presents Jesus’ entire life - from the babe of Bethlehem to the ascending Son of God. We use the two most comprehensive sources of information about Jesus, The Bible and The Urantia Book, as a foundation for all other currently available and future information sources.
The Urantia Book is one of our primary sources of spiritual, scientific, and historical information. The Urantia Book itself is a collection of more than one thousand human concepts representing the highest and most advanced knowledge of historical information and spiritual values along with inspiring new revelations of God and God's creation.
Visually, we draw heavily from a book called The Untold Story of Jesus. Just imagine how wonderful it will be for anyone around the world to explore Jesus' life and teachings in visually engaging experiences and a vast collection of the best presentations of his actual teachings!
We aspire to be the place where all this information may be found and enjoyed.
How do we experience the Jesus Metaverse?
The Jesus Metaverse will be accessible from any Internet-connected desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone using a web-browser.
All currently planned features can be enjoyed without any special equipment (such as Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality sets).
Initially, the Jesus Metaverse will be launched as a desktop-only version. Later, tablet and mobile phone versions will be launched.
Future versions of the Jesus Metaverse will offer additional (optional) immersive features available only with an augmented reality or virtual reality set.
How is the Jesus Metaverse financed?
The Jesus Metaverse will ALWAYS be offered for free and be ad-free. We are operating as a nonprofit.
This is where you come into the picture. With your donation, we can source the talent we need, build and launch the Jesus Metaverse.
Then, we will implement a pay-it-forward model. In other words, each donation will fund future development of the Jesus Metaverse while keeping it ALWAYS free and ad-free.
Are we connected to other Metaverses or corporations?
The Jesus Metaverse will ALWAYS be offered for free and be ad-free. We are operating as a nonprofit.
We are not connected, partnered or affiliated with Meta (formerly Facebook) or any other commercial entity engaged in building and operating a “metaverse”. In the future, if it will serve our mission, we will consider having a presence in such a metaverse.
The first version of the Jesus Metaverse will not require any special equipment (augmented or virtual reality glasses or headsets). In the future, we intend to offer immersive optional features that will require this equipment. We will do so to serve our users.
What does it cost to join the Jesus Metaverse?
The Jesus Metaverse will ALWAYS be free and ad-free.
All that’s required is a sense of curiosity and adventure to explore the known and less known facts of the life and teachings of Jesus.
The time you spend exploring the Jesus Metaverse is an investment in your personal growth and spiritual progress, but benefits us all.
Who is building and maintaining the Metaverse?
The Jesus Metaverse is built by The Center for Unity, a nonprofit solely organized for the realization of several related projects intended to share the life and teachings of Jesus with the entire world.
Please refer to the About page and our information package for a complete presentation of the team. Most of the team members serve as volunteers, without any financial compensation. Many of us have already collectively invested thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars of our time and treasure.
When will the Jesus Metaverse launch?
We work as fast as we can and as slow as we must.
This is where you come into the picture. With your donation, we can source the talent we need and expedite the launch.
We expect the first version of the Jesus Metaverse to be launched during the first half of 2023.
To review our financial needs and execution plans, please request our information package by clicking on the top menu.
What can the Jesus Metaverse do for the individual and the world?
We believe a personal relationship with God transforms an individual. Individuals who live from that place will transform every aspect of their lives, and as a result, our world.
Our mission is to help all realize simple truths. If they so choose, the Jesus Metaverse will help them know the entire life and teachings of Jesus. We believe that knowledge is transformative and directly enhances our personal relationship to God.
The experiences provided by the Jesus Metaverse are designed to appeal to each individual in precisely where they are in their own life.
We aim to make these experiences available to every individual on our planet. That means we will translate the content to many languages and make the experiences accessible to hard-of-hearing and visually-imparied individuals.
Specifically, some of Jesus’ teachings that we would like to share are:
- God is our heavenly Father, and we ALL are His children
- Humanity is therefore a FAMILY of brothers and sisters.
- Humanity may be united in its diversity. Unity does not require uniformity; we don’t have to look, think and behave alike to be united, precisely as family members are never uniform.
Where can I find more information?
An introduction to the Jesus Museum and Jesus Metaverse:
The donor’s deck:
Our 25 year vision:
What other projects are you working on?
In addition to the existing media presentations we will curate from external sources, our team will produce a very large collection of short original films.
Our team is currently writing original screenplays depicting (mostly) fictional stories inspired by actual events as portrayed in the Urantia papers.
These short films are instrumental in telling the untold stories of Jesus in a format that touches us humans deeply and is accessible to all. Using this approach, we believe we can maintain very high production values, aesthetics and quality while keeping costs reasonable.
The entire production will be outsourced or partnerships will be formed.
This was our first and ultimate goal; to build or have a physical museum dedicated to the historical, human, and divine Jesus. A venue where people can experience all that there’s to offer in the lands where these events took place; a venue where those visiting the Holy Land can begin their adventure of learning about Jesus, as they retrace His steps in the very locations where they occurred.
This project has the greatest potential to benefit Israel and the world, but has the greatest need for resources and funding. We’ve partnered with an experienced law firm in Israel to help us wade through the necessary permits and requirements to make this happen.
An immersive experience, offered simultaneously in many venues around the world.
Imagine walking into a venue and being transported back 2,000 years to 1st century Palestine. You would be seeing, hearing and experiencing Jesus’ words and deeds as if you were there.
We are at the very early stages of conceptualizing this project, which is inspired by existing immersive products like the Immersive Van Gogh.
What can I do to support the Metaverse?
First and foremost, pray for our success. Pray that we receive the ideas, talent and treasure when and as needed.
Organizationally, we’re incorporated as two nonprofits - in Israel and the United States.
- In Israel, we created The Center for Unity as the creator and developer of our projects.
- In the U.S. we have created a supporting organization called the Worldwide Ministry of Jesus to accept contributions and provide tax deductions for U.S. taxpayers on behalf of all Center for Unity projects.
If you wish to volunteer, please click here and tell us what you love doing and how much time you can invest.
How can I make a large contribution to these wonderful projects?
- To donate via wire transfer, please contact or call Rick Lyon at +1 (765) 366-7203.
- To donate via check: send your contribution to: Worldwide Ministry of Jesus, 3223 Caroline St., South Bend, IN 46614-2205, USA.
- To donate via credit card, click on the Give Now ❤️ button anywhere on the site.
Follow and share the story of the Jesus Metaverse development process
Download our information package: The Jesus Metaverse: from vision to reality
Follow and share the story of the Jesus Metaverse development process
Download our information package: The Jesus Metaverse: from vision to reality