The Jesus Metaverse app: Status Dec 2022

Nov 2022 – MVP1SP1 Status

MVP1SP1 is shorthand for Minimum Viable Product version 1, sprint #1. This sprint coincides with the calendar month of November 2022.

In sprint #1, we focused on the Homepage and the Research mode People pages. People in the app correspond to Person, Relationship and Group nodes of the data model.

The People Listing page is where the user can see a comprehensive list to choose from.

Then, when the users choose to explore Judas Iscariot, by clicking on his image, they will be presented with the People Detail page:


Important note: these images were originally generated by an AI called midjourney and post-processed by our own Gary Tonge.

Dec 2022 – MVP1SP2 (MVP1 Sprint2)

MVP1SP2 is shorthand for Minimum Viable Product version 1, sprint #2. This sprint coincides with the calendar month of December 2022.

During this sprint, we will focus on connecting the data model to the app and dynamically loading the information to the app and implementing mobile versions of the app.

Creative Writing

The second writer’s conference took place on Nov 21st. André fielded questions and the team discussed various aspects of the writing process.
Each written piece represents an original new exposition of a Person, Location, Topic or Relationship from part IV of The Urantia Book.
In essence, we are writing a whole Wikipedia only about the life and teachings of Jesus.

Data Curation

Mike will switch hats from the data curation team to the creative writing team. He will be responsible for adding to the creatively written essays all the relevant information from the data model so that the app can display it.

We Need Your Help

As you can imagine, this is a huge project but we have a team of enthusiastic Urantia students working on it. Lisa is creating the pages, functionality, and the look and feel of the Jesus Metaverse App. Fraser is developing the app to work on smart phones, tablets, and computers in both Apple and Android.

This is our next fund raising challenge, but it will be the final major step to bring this project to completion.

We are estimating that we will need an additional $60,000 for app development.

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