Cinematic Jesus: Status Dec 2022

Cinematic Jesus – Newsletter December Edition 2022
By Santiago Kneeland

The story of Jesus as presented in Part IV of The Urantia Book is one step closer to being a reality!

Imagine being able to see the account of the midwayer commission of the most important story of our world and local universe. Well… this will be a reality as we advance in bringing The Life and Teachings of Jesus to the screen.

Putting this endeavor together is no easy task…

We have to present a truthful account of this narrative, and create a dramatic masterpiece that can be appealing to audiences. Thankfully, we have a strong basis that can be incorporated into a 50- to 70-episode miniseries. We’re using The Untold Story of Jesus, produced by Mo Seigel and Jim English, which is a condensed summary of the Jesus papers. He’s now leading an experienced writing team of seasoned Urantia Book readers that will begin work in January. This team will be mapping the entire story, and eventually develop a treatment (cinematic outline) that can be distributed.

We want this work to be epic, so every detail is being taken into consideration. The production values, music, dramatic narrative and the story in itself. We’ll be working on this process all of 2023, and hopefully end the year with a treatment along with the funds to begin the production of the pilot. We’ve teamed up with Morrison Productions, a New Orleans-based cinematic company that has the latest in CGI equipment that can recreate 1st Century Palestine. This is the same type of technology that’s being used in productions like the much-anticipated “Avatar: The Way of Water.” It will allow us to immerse ourselves in the story without having to actually create huge physical sets.

We’re very excited about this project because it most certainly is one of the dreams of many Urantia Book readers; to present The Life and Teachings of Jesus as we know it from our dear blue book. We’re taking the time and making sure we don’t either miss or leave out any details. We believe this is a step in the right direction, because we’re going to retell the story from the midwayer narrative that the world so desperately needs to know. We wish to re-introduce Jesus as he truly was; not only as Son of God, but also as Son of Man; a struggling mortal who all people can relate to. His living demonstration of that personal relationship with God is much needed today, not only for Urantia Book readers, but for all truth and God-seeking mortals.


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